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German-Korean Workshop: Regenerative Medicine


German-Korean Workshop: Regenerative Medicine - from basic research to bedside

19. Juli 2010 | 09:15 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr

It is a great pleasure for the TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin, BioTOP Berlin-Brandenburg and BCRT to invite you to the German-Korean Regenerative Symposium & Workshop in Berlin, Korea Culture Center Germany of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea on July 19th 2010.

The aim of this workshop is the improvement of the German-Korean research collaborations in the wide field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine and the initiation of new cooperation projects.

Opening ceremony with Kang Byung-Soo, Director of Korean Culture Center Germany/ Embassy of the Republic of Korea and Dr. Kai-Uwe Bindseil, Director of BioTOP Berlin-Brandenburg

The Key notes and oral presentations:



Please register online for this workshop.




Koreanisches Kulturzentrum

Kulturabteilung der Botschaft der Republik Korea
Leipziger Platz 3
10117 Berlin


TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin

Ina Krüger
Fasanenstr. 85
10623 Berlin

E-Mail | krueger (at) biotop.de

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