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TSB: Foreign Researchers Forum


Foreign Researchers Forum - Networking Opportunities in Berlin: Focus on Biotechnology

12. April 2011 | 18:00 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

Topic for the TSB's Foreign Researchers Forum on the 12th April 2011 is Biotechnology, presenting BioTOP, which manages biotechnology as an area of excellence in Berlin-Brandenburg and selected current research projects.

The TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin organises the English-language event, „Foreign Researchers Forum" to introduce guest researchers and professors, as well as post-docs and students from abroad to some of the region's key stakeholders and projects and to present their own current research topics.

The three Forums planned for 2011 will focus on the Life Sciences in Berlin to mark the German Year of Science 2011, "Forschung für unsere Gesundheit" (Research for our Health).

Focus on Biotechnology

On the 12th April 2011 the focus will be on biotechnology, Dr. Kai Bindseil, director of BioTOP, which manages biotechnology as an area of excellence in Berlin-Brandenburg will give an overview of activities in the region followed by short presentations on research projects being carried out by guest researchers in Berlin.

The Forums are open to all and admission is free.

Please register by email or online if you will attend.
We look forward to seeing you there!


Forums are also being planned for:

You can find more information including on previous Forums on our website:

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Raum “Bernhard von Langenbeck”
Luisenstr. 58/59
10117 Berlin


TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin

Morgan Delaney
Fasanenstr. 85
10623 Berlin

Telefon | 030/46302473

E-Mail | delaney@tsb-berlin.de


Download Invitation | PDF | 1.2 M



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