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10 Jahre russisch-deutsches Labor in Adlershof


27.06-28.06.11 / 

10th anniversary of the Russian-German Laboratory at BESSY II

Veranstalter: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, FU Berlin, TU Dresden
Ort: Albert-Einstein-Straße 15, 12489 Berlin
A major opening event of the Russian-German Science Year will be the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Russian-German Laboratory (RGL) at BESSY II. The workshop will be focussed on the presentation of results and perspectives of recent and future interdisciplinary cooperation between Russian and German scientists in the fields of modern structural research. Fostering the cooperation especially between young scientists will be a major issue of the workshop.

In 2001 the Russian-German Laboratory at the electron storage ring BESSY II was inaugurated. Since then the RGL forms a persistent crystallization point for very fruitful research projects between Russian and German scientists. Within these 10 years more than 40 bi-national research groups performed their experiments at BESSY II and  published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Several young Russian scientists started their international career as beamline support scientists in the RGL. Funding for these important key persons is arranged by G-RISC, the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (coordinated by FU Berlin and St. Petersburg State University, financed by DAAD).

The RGL is jointly operated by the partner institutions FU Berlin, TU Dresden, St. Petersburg State University, Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Ioffe Institute St. Petersburg, Shubnikov Institute Moscow and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The main infrastructures operated by the RGL are a high resolution plane grating monochromator, which was built in close cooperation between BESSY and FU Berlin and a modern photoelectron spectroscopy apparatus, designed by TU Dresden. 

In this  positive light, the new science contract between Russia and Germany with particular emphasis on the development of accelerator based light sources is highly welcomed. It provides the means for the construction of a new undulator-based XUV-beamline and a very high resolution photoelectron spectrometer for future scientific collaborations between Russian and German research groups on an internationally leading level. Perspectives of the future developments within this framework will be addressed on the workshop.
Internet: www.helmholtz-berlin.de/user/usersmeetings/10th-anniversary-rg-lab/



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