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Konferenz der Wissenschaftsparks


09.11-11.11.11 / 09:00-18:00

IASP European Division Workshop & BaSIC Final Conference

Veranstalter: IASP
Ort: Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin

WISTA-MANAGEMENT GMBH is the developer and operator of Berlin Adlershof Science and Technology Park. We are proud to invite you to the IASP European Division Workshop held on November 9th to 11th, 2011 in Berlin. The workshop is meant to present existing methods and performance indicators for benchmarking of Science Parks and their impact to the regional economy. We also will discuss and exchange ideas in working groups.  On November 11th, 2011 all participants are kindly invited to visit Berlin’s future sites, such as

  1. Berlin Adlershof STP,
  2. a development project in Schöneweide (neighbouring district of Adlershof) for revitalising a former industrial zone,
  3. the project to turn the current city airport Tegel into a development project for urban technologies (Tegel will be closed down in June 2012).

BaSIC Final Conference - November 9th, 2011: In connection to the IASP workshop, we also kindly invite you to the BaSIC Final Conference which will be held in Berlin Adlershof STP on November 9th, 2011, 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m as well. BaSIC (Baltic Sea Innovation Network Centres) is an INTERREG IVB BSR project covering nine Baltic Sea Capital regions. The project aims to develop harmonised market access for innovative companies in order to support their internationalisation activities. BaSIC is an open project which means that also other regions are highly welcome to exchange experiences and to join the network. During the final conference the results and further steps will be presented to the participants (STPs, business innovation centres, other organisations giving internationalisation support to companies, regional authorities, etc.).

E-Mail: plaschnick(at)wista.de
Internet: www.adlershof.de/iasp



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